Beauty truly is skin deep. The health of your skin starts inside out.  have been passionate about skin care since 1987 and have watched the evolution over the years. I have seen it go from heavy product usage to understanding that less of the right stuff really is more. The thing is, skin care isn't just skin deep. Your skin is your largest living organ and as such, it's affected by what's going on both internally and externally.  True, product and treatment play a very important role, but not the only one. Understanding that beauty starts from within, I have been fortunate to find a natural resonance with my skin care business and my passion for teaching yoga. Yoga has many benefits for your skin! Everything is connected. We strive for the balance that is hard to maintain, but well worth the effort. Product and treatment simply enhance what you do on a daily basis. Keeping our skin youthful is a combination of a lot of things, but it is possible. As the saying goes, practice makes practice. The more we invest in the practice of creating the changes we want to see, the more we can expand that practice to other areas of our lives? Practicing good skin care leads to more practice (what did you mean here)?. Practicing meditation leads to more and a deeper sense of calm. Practice yoga leads to so many benefits I can't fit them all in. By applying these ancient practices, we can feel more aligned in our bodies.

Over all these years of taking care of people is the root of both of these passions. I'm constantly doing my research on what is best for my client and their individual needs. Whether it is through a customized skin care regimen, or a private one on one yin session––my love to help create positive lasting change is what drives me to constantly learn more. Taking care of ourselves is often a challenge and we can easily make excuses as to why we can't. My advice to my students, clients and myself is to start small. Do one or two new things at a time. See the changes and think about what to add next. The truth is, when we take care of ourselves, we will take care of everything else that much better.

Below you will find a little more information about my philosophy and approach on yoga and skin care.

Please reach out if you would like to know more about my yoga offerings and skin care services. I would love to hear from you.



My Skin Care Philosophy

Going from a handful of products to a confusing amount I don't try to sell a product for the sake of the sale. It's all about consistency. Consistency in what you do and how often you do it. For example, if you are under stress, lacking in sleep and not eating a balanced diet, your skin will show the affects of all this. If you purchase a product and it sits on your shelf, your skin loses out. 

My Yoga Philosophy

I came to this beautiful practice over 20 years ago and it still humbles me, I learn something new almost every day. I've been allowed to guide students through practices for over 11 years now and it never gets old. With several trainings under my belt, I am now teaching others to continue their own learning through the study of yoga with a Yoga Alliance Certified 200 Hour Teacher Training. Yoga leads to a lot of health benefits as the practice guides us to make better lifestyle choices, improves how we eat and sleep and yes, how we take care of ourselves in general. Small steps lead to big changes, bigger steps lead to a change in our lives and those around us.