
We start with our breath. First, last, always it's the breath.

Our breath is the link of connection, of energizing us, calming us, centering us. Without it, there is no yoga. This is my mission, start with the breath, feel how it moves through you or gets caught somewhere.

Notice if you suspend it in or out, how does that stillness feel? Sometimes in practice, we don't concern ourselves with it, yet it is the most important part and often the link between balances in the body and mind and imbalances. It is our life force, that not only is the focus of yoga, but the focus of health. When we don't, or can't, take a deep breath all kinds of imbalances can occur both internally and externally. It's the whole you, not parts of you that yoga allows us to connect to. Yoga leads to a lot of health benefits as the practice guides us to make better lifestyle choices, improves how we eat and sleep and yes, how we take care of ourselves in general. Small steps lead to big changes, bigger steps lead to a change in our lives and those around us.

I Invite you to join me…

Private Yoga with Jill

Find out about how Jill can take you deeper into your practice with yoga customized practices.

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15 Hour Yin Yoga Training

Learn more about Yin Yoga from Jill, inspired by her trainings with teacher Paul Grilley.

200 Hr. Teacher Training

Discover Jill’s unique approach to Yoga Teacher Training and more.



Jill’s style of teaching yoga is inspirational! She is inspirational as both a yoga teacher and a human being! She instructs her classes with confidence, kindness and clarity. Jill does an amazing job of ensuring all participants in her classes are given options which allows them to be in the pose which is best for their body and mind in that class.

She articulates very well her expertise in anatomy and the function of each pose during her classes in a way in which I can make adjustments to get the full benefit from each pose. I always feels her focus in on giving her class the best experience possible. Her love of yoga and helping others always shows through in her teaching style.

She provides a safe setting where I always leave each of her classes feeling better than when I came as well as I feel more connected to understanding the relationship between yoga, my body, mind and breath.
— Sarah

I have been a student of Jill’s for awhile now; in her yoga classes, and two teacher trainings; 200 hour YTT and a continuing education yin module. Jill is a special human, her energy and presence are extremely calming and loving and it shows in everything she does, especially her emphasis on safety and anatomy in yoga. One of the most valuable things I have taken away from my trainings with Jill is that we are all built differently and we need to give our students options for their unique bodies, there isn’t a “one size fits” all posture. As for yin yoga, no one compares to Jill, she has such a gift for creating a relaxing atmosphere that allows you to be able to sit with yourself in these postures for the long amount of minutes we must do so. When I found out she was offering the yin module training, I knew there was no other teacher I would rather learn this skill from. Learning how to create a yin class with a certain energetic quality was one of my favorite parts about the training. Jill always makes her students a priority and is always there to answer questions and help in any way possible. I am so pleased with the knowledge I’ve acquired from Jill!
— Dana

“Studying and taking Yin Yoga classes with Jill has had a significant impact on my personal yoga practice, as well as my teaching. Always encouraged to approach postures in an intelligent, safe for the body conscious manner, I’m far more aware of the subtleties of what we’re asking our bodies to do, and of healthy anatomical alignment.

Jill is also totally approachable and genuinely giving with her great knowledge and experience to all her students”
— Adriana P.

I have been a regular yoga student of Jill’s for many years. I attend her classes in yin, vinyasa, and yoga therapy. Her teaching places strong emphasis on awareness that anatomical differences exist between individuals. She teaches there are natural, often unalterable, differences in range of motion between individuals. Jill encourages students to honor their uniqueness and practice with respect for what their body tells them regarding when their personal optimal expression of a pose has been reached. In other words, if it hurts ease off or try a modification. Jill offers multiple options for many poses and encourages students to experiment and find what works best for them with all poses.

Jill genuinely cares about her students and their practice and is always eager to talk with students. She greets new students, learns their names and something about them. Jill’s classes are always interesting and have plenty of variety. Emphasis is placed on having fun and not hurting yourself. Jill does an excellent job presenting the beneficial physical aspect of yoga but she goes beyond the physical and shares meaningful thoughts on the positive effects yoga can have on our mind, spirit, and well-being when the practice is taken into our life off the mat.

Jill has untiring enthusiasm, curiosity, and joy for yoga and anatomy. Over the years I have known her, she has always been working to expand her knowledge by obtaining more training and certifications. It seems she finishes one training and immediately moves on to the next. Her continual growth is great for her students as she shares her knowledge and facilitates us on our own yoga path. I am very fortunate to know Jill and have her as a teacher. She is a positive influence in my practice and my life.
— Ron R.